Raphaël Hertzog, Jim O’Gorman, Mati Aharoni,

Kali Linux Revealed

  • Kali Linux Revealed

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Название книги: Kali Linux Revealed
Автор: Raphaël Hertzog, Jim O’Gorman, Mati Aharoni,
Год издания: 2017
Страницы: Не известно
Kali Linux is comprised of many powerful tools but you cannot put them to good use if you don’t master the underlying operating system. This book covers everything you need to know to be able to effectively use and deploy Kali Linux. This book will discuss basic Linux usage for beginners, Debian package management and usage, Kali installation, configuration, security, and advanced Kali usage including how Kali fits within the enterprise and Kali’s role in various phases of a security assessment. It will serve as an introduction to Kali for beginners but also to cater to users pursuing Kali certification and advanced users seeking more in-depth use cases and inspiration.