Irene Guilford,

Waiting for Stalin to Die

  • Waiting for Stalin to Die

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Название книги: Waiting for Stalin to Die
Автор: Irene Guilford,
Год издания: 2017
Страницы: Не известно
Fleeing Stalin’s advance into Lithuania, shaken by communism and war, four refugees end up in Toronto in 1949. Vytas, a young doctor who gets into medical school by saving a child’s life, is haunted by a lost love. Maryte, a seamstress whose affair with a German officer saved her half-witted brother, struggles to take care of him. Justine, a concert pianist raped during the war, strives to regain her ability to make music. Father Geras, an illegitimate child steered into the priesthood by family, finds purpose in guiding his exiled people. Trying to resume normal lives, longing for their country’s freedom, they wait to go home.