Рекс Стаут,

The Silent Speaker

  • The Silent Speaker

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Номи китоб: The Silent Speaker
Муаллиф: Рекс Стаут,
Соли нашр: 1946
Теъдоди саҳифаҳо: Не известно
There has been no new full-length Nero Wolfe mystery novel in six years, a wartime shortage which we are delighted to remedy. The brilliant deductive methods of the fabulous fat man, beloved by so many thousands of readers, are put to another stiff test. It is a pleasure to report that Archie is back from the wars as Wolfe’s leg man (Nero himself has been a consultant for the War Department). A murder has been committed, so daring and with such vital national implications that the whole country is shaken. The newspapers are having a field day; the corridors in Washington are buzzing with gossip. The murder took place at the Waldorf, just before the annual dinner of the National Industrial Association, as the guests sipped cocktails in the adjoining room. The murdered man was none other than Cheney Boone, the Director of the Bureau of Price Regulation, who was scheduled to be the principal speaker before this group of the country’s leading business men. industrialists, and manufacturers. Why has he been silenced — and by whom? Again Rex Stout proves that he is still the old maestro in the field of the murder story lightened with wit and written with intelligence and skill. The Viking Press, which has not published a mystery for years, is proud to re-enter the field with this odds-on favorite.