Andrew J. Morgan,


  • Vessel

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Номи китоб: Vessel
Муаллиф: Andrew J. Morgan,
Соли нашр: 2014
Теъдоди саҳифаҳо: Не известно
‘We’ve done enough research,’ Sean said. ‘Now it’s time to get this story on the front cover of every newspaper, magazine, blog and pamphlet before it’s too late.” A discovery that has the potential to change the world Excitement is high when the crew of the International Space Station discovers a mysterious object in orbit around Earth. But something goes wrong, and contact with the station is lost. When journalist Sean Jacob gets wind of the situation, he embarks on a journey to reveal the truth, winding his way into the biggest conspiracy to ever face mankind. But are we ready for it? As Sean investigates, what he finds is scarcely believable, and he begins to doubt his decision to get involved. But when an informant dies in suspicious circumstances, he is left with no other choice than to dig deeper. With the help of people he’s not sure he can trust, against an enemy with seemingly unstoppable power, Sean takes the fight right to its heart. What he finds there is the last thing he ever expected…