John C. Wohlstetter,

Sleepwalking with the Bomb

  • Sleepwalking with the Bomb

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Номи китоб: Sleepwalking with the Bomb
Муаллиф: John C. Wohlstetter,
Соли нашр: 2012
Теъдоди саҳифаҳо: Не известно
Anyone wishing to understand the past, present and future of nuclear weapons should read this fine book before saying a word on the subject. RICHARD PERLE, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute and Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1981–1987 Sleepwalking with the Bomb shows how we can forestall nuclear catastrophe. It offers familiar faces, cases and places to illustrate how the civilized world can face the most pressing nuclear dangers. Drawing from both history and current events, John Wohlstetter assembles in one place an integrated, coherent and concise picture that explains how best to avoid the “apocalyptic trinity”—suicide, genocide and surrender—in confronting emerging nuclear threats.