James Rouch,

Killing Ground

  • Killing Ground

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Номи китоб: Killing Ground
Муаллиф: James Rouch,
Соли нашр: 2007
Теъдоди саҳифаҳо: Не известно
THE ZONE 7 • KILLING GROUND Major Revell has kept his men together in the face of relentless Soviet attacks. They discover a huge unguarded dump of NATO stores. Employing the supplies, they set about turning the surrounding countryside into a huge killing ground, causing enormous casualties and hoping they can hold out until relieved. SYNOPSIS The Warsaw Pact has been keeping up relentless pressure and the NATO forces, low on ammunition and every manner of stores is in retreat. Time after time Major Revells’ men take casualties but still he keeps the survivors together, inflicting what damage on the enemy he can. By chance they come across a huge NATO supply base, abandoned and left virtually unguarded. Already the skeleton staff have used surplus and condemned ammunition to turn the surrounding countryside into a massive killing ground, Now the Special Combat Force throw themselves into the defence of the vast resources, hoping they can hold out against over whelming enemy strength until help comes. PUBLISHED First NEL Paperback Edition October 1988 First IMPRINT Publication E-Book Edition May 2005 First Revision IMPRINT Publications E-Book Edition April 2007 * * * Mankind’s last war continues in the contaminated strip of European hell known as “The Zone”. But an American major and a British sergeant are sick of retreating. In a huge, abandoned ammunition dump, they prepare their forces to hit the ruthless Russian aggressors—and hit hard!